Monday, September 11, 2006

this is morris betesh. class 203L

in the book Scarlet Letter, the protagonist, hester, shows signs of feminism by her actions. after comiting adultary she accepts her punishment and still takes care of her illegitamate child named Pearl. its understandable why the religious town of salem was treating her in such a terrible way at first, but it is unclear of why she should suffer for her actions her whole life and not even having a chance to redeem herself. it could have been that her commiting adultary was an act of feminsim in the case of divorce. in the event that a husband isnt present for a long period of time the wife has the right to get a legal divorce. this shows us that legalizing rights for women started a while back and the movement increases by the day. some men might say that women are taking away jobs from them and others might say that they are helping men with their household bills.

im not sure how long this is supposed to be so im gonna stop here.


Blogger jAcK's bLoG said...


10:33 AM  

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