Friday, March 09, 2007

Morris Betesh

Situation a

If I were in this situation as the doctor I would allow the abortion. Although I am anti-abortion, in certain situations, such as rape, the child was not the mothers fault and she has the right to choose whether or not she wants the baby. I also feel that a mother who is financially struggling doesn’t deserve to struggle her whole life. Being a doctor I am also responsible for the lives of my patient and I would not let her put herself in harms way. Besides the fact, according to the Old Testament a soul isn’t given to a person until it leaves its mothers womb.

Situation b

Personally I would unplug the respirator because I feel that no life is worth living when you’re living it in constant uncontrollable pain. Also, no human being has the right to decide whether a person should live or die. For Example, if I decide to jump off a cliff one cannot hold me down for the rest of my life. Also, one cannot make laws against it until he is in the situation as is going through the same pain

Situation c

No. You should not steal the drug. Even though this man is doing something horribly wrong, stealing is still a sin and no good could come out of it. After all, there is only a possibility that the drug will work. For some people, living in guilt is worse than losing a loved one. But for other people, if they let someone die he might blame himself for not coming up with the money to save her.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Metaphor Poems

Catharsis is a mountain climb

When I climb I cry from the loss of energy

When I hit the summit I feel high

Stichomythia is a nightmare

Annoying, fast, complicated

Sometimes it scares you

And sometimes it’s even hard to comprehend.

Fate is like my life

You don’t know what’s going to happen next

But somebody does

When you change the present maybe you fate was that I would be changed

Free will is like school

We can cut class

Eat in the lounge

Take a free ride on the elevator

But every action has a consequence

The look on the principal’s face might make you think twice

Oracles are the truth

Oracles make us cry and laugh

When I am in doubt

I will speak with the oracle to identify the truth

But truth may not always come from oracles

It can be found within your actions and thoughts

Monday, February 19, 2007

Saddam Hussein trial- captured December 14, 2003
The trial was successful. The trial lead to the death of the murderous president who has slaughtered people in his own country of Iraq.
The trial is made up of a criminal and lawyers who defend him. In this case, witnesses whose families were killed spoke out against their president.
The prosecutor speaks first with his opening statement. Then the defendant speaks his statement. Then witnesses, which are questioned by both sides. Then closing statement then the jury votes and the verdict is made.
The jury votes if the defendant is innocent or guilty. Then the judge decides his punishment.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

My characters (Tom) ideal job would be a police officer.. i think that if he can handle paying for his rent and electricity bill for his mother and sister then he can handle the job. all the screaming with his mother could be beneficial for his ideal job. he now has the ability to talk back to anybody.

Monday, February 05, 2007

toms education background:
he has attended st. loiuss high school
and is now working as an internship for a lawfirm

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I choose Tom. the three jobs would be 1. a drug dealer
2. a lawyer
3. a clerk at a 7/11. Opened 24 hours

Thursday, January 04, 2007

How can this have happened? Is this town of Salem so corrupted that we have to murder our own people. It’s been three years since my husband has been hanged. But somewhere deep inside of me I respect his ways, because I too believe in the power of someone’s name and the reputation that it holds. He just cared more about his name than life itself. The moment Abigail came to work in my house I knew something was strange about her. She was a great liar and very smart too. But apparently not smart enough. Whenever she would make dinner she would use her own ingredients, then lie and say that they are mine. I would ask her to wash the dishes and she wouldn’t use any effort. I could have fired her immediately. But for some reason, I held back. But there was another problem. And my husband is involved in it. I remember the times when they would talk alone in a room for hours at a time. How do I know? Because I was waiting outside the door listening to all the whispers. My husband would deny being in a room alone with her and I couldn’t in gods name understand why. The most I would do to him is giving him a nice slap across face. And then make him promise me he’ll never do it again. Unfortunately he failed to confess. I was forced to fire Abigail. Little did I know, she would return and ruin my family along with the town’s truthfulness.
All I have left of him now is a tombstone with his name on it. He meant everything to me. You would think that Abigail would be trialed for all the things that she had done. But she wasn’t. Her and her friends fled from the town and the town never bothered bringing her back. She’s probably causing trouble in some other town by now. Sometimes I look back and think of how this all started. This doll here is what caused them to accuse me of being a witch. How did this end up in my house. It’s still a mystery how this ended up in the back of this doll. And this is what I keep to remember that I am partially responsible. But I’m still confused. Even though I love John as wide as the horizon can stretch I can’t forgive him for having a relationship with Abigail. Did he not care for me or what I would think? But let’s not speak about the past. Every memory aches. It’s indescribable.
Things have changed around here, but I still don’t have any interest in these changes. I feel that nothing can ever bring John back.
All I do now is cook and clean around the house. Sometimes I don’t even have time to go to church and pray for the health of my children. And my children. My four beloved children. If it weren’t for them I wouldn’t have survived these past few years.
Hear my cry and tell the other towns to think twice before conformity takes control over their lives.
I think that the letter "A" and Pearl are similar in that they both begin something new. "A" is the first letter of the alphabet and is followed by 25 new and different letters. Pearl is the start of a new life for Hester. During Hesters punishment, pearl is the one who helps her get through it. Because she got through it, only joy and happiness follows her.
During the scaffold scenes in the scarlet letter it becomes clear that it is not the best place to be. In the very beginning of the novel, Hester is standing on the stage because she is about to be punished for being an adulteress and having and illegitimate child. The scaffold scenes to come also give off a negative impression. But shockingly, at the end of the novel when reverend Dimmesdale admits his sin, the scaffold becomes a place of honesty and confession.